Wednesday 22 August 2012

To Bedford City and its Wednesday Market

This day again, Joanna decided to take us to Bedford

We were targeting the Wednesday market

Joanna left us inside the market and she has gone


The market

You can get whatever you want in this market from high quality to low quality brands

Me and my kids in the centre of the market

I was very much satisfied with this market, especially when the sky was full of clouds !!

Sanaya rode this jumping game

She was not able to jump very high

The man started helping her

Jumping more and more

Up above the world so high
Like a diamond in the sky




I love her really !!

My sweetheart

Then, Na'il and Sanaya entered the mini London Eye


Bedford market view from different side

After walking around and buying lots of fruit and vegetable, we rode the bus no. 52

It was a two floor bus

The fruit and vegetable market from top

The attractive river

Lovely white swans

Started drizzling

Me and Na'il watching the beautiful traditional city of Bedford

My handsome son

A heavy rain !!


We reached to our village

A fast shot under the rain

In front of our house

And finally, our lovely village

The end

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