Wednesday 22 August 2012

Discovering Marston with Joanna

This day, Joanna decided to join us to find out and discover Marston Moretaine and its beautiful places;

Na'il is ready, and by the way, He is really looking handsome

Therefore, we will find out lots of his photos in this post.

Just say; ما شاء الله

Joanna Aunty

It was a beautiful and a warm day

Hence, lots of families were out in the park

Joanna, where are you going??

Ohooooo, What is your weight??


Na'il is moving around the park

Following Sanaya

Looking at somebody there !!


Wow, a lovely smile from Sanaya

Joanna, we will miss you really !!

She is not scared any more !!

The beginning of the lake

We can see the hidden lake from here

We have to search for a quiet and a beautiful place to view the lake

Come with me !!

But, why I am carrying this bag??

Sanaya is hurry to discover the place as usual !!

And finally we found a place to see the lake entirely

This area was full of insects and flies

Sanaya is searching the ducks

We are all waiting the ducks,

No I am not calling them by my phone, don't think that !!

Oh, Finally she saw some ducks

They are coming to us

Sanaya is looking happy to see those ducks


a Lovely shot

But, Na'il what are you doing ??

on the way back to our house

Sanaya removed her jacket and started running

jogging time

Lovely houses, isn't it ??

Pigeon on the road, come Haitham and bring your Scarecrow device !!

Sanaya is upset, she wants to go back to the park to play more,
but we are tired and we are going to our house,

The end

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